Custom Tintype portraits, Great Gift Idea!

Great Gift Idea!

New 1850’s wet plate tintype photography studio opens at the People’s Antique Store in the heart of Lambertville NJ.

Daniel Leocadi, a local wet plate collodion photographer, has opened a new tintype studio on the second floor of the People’s Antique Store in Lambertville NJ. This is the first and only one of it’s kind since the Fritz photography studio that was situated next door and John C. Tibbles studio on the corner of Church and Union St during 1860’s – 1880s.

Wet plate collodion photography is one of the earliest photographic processes discovered by Frederick Scott Archer (UK) in 1850’s. The earliest photographs of the USA were captured by William Henry Jackson using this process as well as Matthew Brady capturing images of the American Civil War, many images of which still remain today.

Daniel uses this process of alchemy – silver, light, and a 1901 Century camera to capture a photograph onto a glass or metal plate. Once created the plate is essentially an original physical work of art – a copy of the truth that can’t be changed or reproduced, and if taken care of can last hundreds of years. The surreal raw quality can’t be matched by any digital process today. The entire process takes about 30 minutes per image and has several steps. Each plate is always unique and a product of many variables such as temperature, humidity, light, chemical formulas, and techniques, making it challenging to master.

The tintype portrait studio is open Saturdays & Sundays from 10 am to 5 pm and by appointment on Fridays. Through the holidays, there is 10% off all portraits. Tintype portraits and tintype sessions make unique and personal gifts for any occasion.

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The studio does accept walk-ins based on availability. Book early to secure your spot. Looking forward to seeing you!

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